E-ISSN 2231-3206 | ISSN 2320-4672

2019, Vol:9,Issue:9

Educational Forum
  • Natl J Physiol Pharm Pharmacol.2019; Volume:9(9):940-945 doi : 10.5455/njppp.2019.9.0415016072019
  • Integrated Teaching Program: Incorporation of “SACK” model
  • Arunita Tushar Jagzape , Tushar Bharat Jagzape


An Indian Medical Graduate is asserted to possess knowledge, skills, and attitude domains in the undergraduate medical curriculum. He must also possess adequate competencies for patient care. Till the introduction of competency-based curriculum, the disciplines worked as segregated units leading to fragmentation of knowledge and gap between what is learned and its application. The introduction of competency-based curriculum has stressed the need for integrated teaching program (ITP). ITP is meant to provide a holistic view of the topic or theme. However, ITPs’ mostly incorporate lectures in continuous sequence as the teaching mode that may lead to decreased attention span among students. A model for conduction of ITP is hence prepared called “SACK” Model. This model can provide a true holistic aspect in ITP conduction. This model would act as a “Feather in the cap” of competency-based curriculum. ITP can be conducted as a single activity involving the departments horizontally and vertically. It can be applied for any disciplines utilizing ITP and for all phases