E-ISSN 2231-3206 | ISSN 2320-4672

2018, Vol:8,Issue:5

Research Articles
  • Natl J Physiol Pharm Pharmacol.2018; Volume:8(5):719-725 doi : 10.5455/njppp.2018.8.1145113012018
  • ED50 from anti-inflammatory properties of Vitex trifolia L. ethanol extract
  • Resmi Mustarichie , Sri Adi Sumiwi , Annisa Trisfalia Hanifah


Background: In Indonesia, Vitex trifolia grown as a crop or bush is even used as a guardrail. Conventionally, V. trifolia is used as a swelling drug caused by breast cancer by drinking the decoction of its leaves. Our group of researchers in previous articles has been able to prove scientifically that V. trifolia has anti-inflammatory activity using the carrageenan-induced method in five groups of rats. Because in the previous study found a large dose of 21.44%, 30.78%, and 41.46% for the dose of extract 500 mg / KgBW, 1000 mg / kg, and 2000 mg / KgBW for efficacious as anti-inflammatory, it is necessary to study the magnitude of the effective dose of the extract.
Objective: This study aims to determine the median effective dosage of anti-inflammatory of V. trifolia L. ethanol extract.
Materials and Methods: The dried V. trifolia leaves were finely chopped and then macerated with 96% ethanol in the macerator for 3 × 24 h, thickened with a rotary evaporator, and then evaporated over the water bath. Phytochemical screening was performed on the Farnsworth method. Against the extract, examination of extract parameters and TLC examination were performed based on Indonesian pharmacopoeia IV. Tests on ED were based on the induction procedure for inflammation of rats using carrageenan. The extract was administered 50 orally to five test groups containing five mice at doses 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, and 3000 mg/kg BW. The rat foot volume was measured and calculated percent inflammation inhibition after it was made a curve on probit log paper to determine ED extract.
Results: From the result of substitution on plot equation of probit, log curve obtained effective dose median 50 of Legundi leaf extract of 1428,8 mg/kg. Dose 1428.8 mg/kg BW was then defined as the ED anti-inflammatory activity 50 of Legundi leaves extract. Through the calculation of one-way ANOVA and least significance different advanced test (P < 0.05), it could be proved that all the doses of the extract gave a significant difference to the negative control. The anti- inflammatory activity was shown by the dose of extract 2000 m/kg BW, 2500 mg/kg BW, and 3000 mg/kg BW statistically did not differ significantly with positive control of 10 mg/kg BW. Conclusion: The effective dose of median (ED ) extract 50 ethanol leaves V. trifolia Linn. which was efficacious anti-inflammatory was found 1428.8 mg/kg body weight. So far, no other researcher reported the ED of V. trifolia. These results suggest if the leaves legundi will be made anti-inflammatory 50 herbal medicine, the preparation should be a drug to drink not a tablet considering the required dose big enough.