E-ISSN 2231-3206 | ISSN 2320-4672

2018, Vol:8,Issue:5

Short Communication
  • Natl J Physiol Pharm Pharmacol.2018; Volume:8(5):767-770 doi : 10.5455/njppp.2018.8.0830027012018
  • Innovation of dodol and stick milk and quality control of product based on microbial contaminant
  • Mustofa Ahda , Ika Maryani , Septian Emma Dwi Jatmika


Background: Innovations of traditional food such as dodol and sticks are to improve the quality and sale value products. The innovation of dodol and sticks are one way to change the cow’s milk to be food products. Aims and Objectives: This research purposes to give innovation of dodol and stick from cow’s milk, then it be controlled of microbial contaminant.
Materials and Methods: The innovation of this products makes dodol and stick products from cow milk. After that, the products are determined the bacterial growth using total plate count (TPC) and coliform test for controling the product. Result: The dodol and stick are made with addition the cow’s milk to be a useful and good products. The production of dodol and stick milk has good taste, adorable products, and has high sale value. The quality control of products was 4 determined from TPC number and coliform test. The dodol and stick products have TPC value are 0.1 × 10 colony-forming 4 unit (CFU)/g and 0.3 × 10 CFU/g, respectively, which it was done after 15 days from production. Then, the number of coliform in the products is <3 most probable number/100 mL. The two parameters indicate that the products can be used and consumed for 15 days after production. Conclusion: Dodol and stick milk can be produced as traditional foods, and these products can be saved until 15 days.