Background:Theavailabilityandtheuseofelectronicdevicesamong the students of higher education have been continuing to grow.Thedevices connecttheusers to theworldinstantly,allowaccess to information, andenableinteractivitywith others. The usesofthesedevicesareplayinganimportantrole,especiallyintheiracademiclives.AimsandObjectives:Toidentifythetypes of devices used for the students, the purpose of their use, and its influence on their academic performances. Materials and Methods:Aquestionnairewasdeveloped,anditscontentvaliditywastestedbyasurveyexpert.About300questionnaireswere laterdistributedamongtheavailableyear-I,-II,and-IIIstudents,and230completedquestionnaireswerecollectedbackfromthe participants.ThedatacollectedwereinsertedintheSPSS(version17.0)programandanalyzedaccordingly.Results:Descriptive analysis showed that 71.7% of the respondents were female students; 68.7% were in 20–21 age groups; and 42.2% were from year I, 42.6% from year II, and the rest from year III. A total of 65.7% of the respondents admitted that they used to use electronic devices in the classroom, and 89.6% of which use a smartphone. Among the smartphone users, about 48% scored 465% marks in their last examination. Conclusion: It has been found that the students’ performance was directly associated with the use of electronic devices for academic purposes. In this study, students’ learning behavior with electronic devices, especially smartphones, was explored, and the data indicated that they want more access to the academic-friendly devices. The smart uses of electronic devices, therefore, help to improve the academic performance of the students.