Background:Physiologyisthelinkbetweenthebasicsciencesandmedicine.Studentslearnhumanphysiologybyattending theory as well as practical classes. Some of the common clinical conditions such as anemia, jaundice can be discussed in the form of ‘‘case-based learning (scenarios),’’ which engages students in discussion. Aims and Objective: To know the effectiveness of case-based learning in physiology among ï¬rst-year medical students and their perception toward case- based learning.MaterialsandMethods: Interventional study was conducted on 100 medical students, appearing for exam in the month of July and August 2015, dividing them into groups and subgroups. Pre- and Posttest were conducted for knowledgeassessmentandforperceptionquestionnairemethodwasused,whichwasvalidatedbypilotstudy.Resultswere analyzedusingpaired ‘‘t’’test.Result:Forsomeoftheclinicalconditions,studentspreferredcase-basedlearningalongwith regular traditional teaching and there is a highly signiï¬cant increase in scores of pre- and posttest. (p valueo 0.001). Conclusion: With beneï¬ts of interactive teaching (case-based learning), this type of learning can be incorporated during teaching–learning methodologies.