Background: Peak expiratoryflow rate (PEFR) is of value in the identiï¬cation of chronic bronchitis and for the assessment andfollow-upofasthma.Forthesepurposes,evaluationofanobservedreadingofPEFRrequiredknowledgeforitsrangein normal subjects. Aims and Objective: To determine the normal PEFR values in elderly men to establish local reference standards. Materials and Methods: The PEFR was measured in 96 healthy men agedX65 years of rural areas of Patiala district using the Mini-Wright peakflow meter in standing position. Best out of the three trials was recorded. Its correlation with age,anthropometricvariables, bodymassindex(BMI),and bodysurface area(BSA)werecalculated.Result:Themean ± PEFR in the age group of 65–74 years for males was 339.44 35.51 L/min. The correlation of PEFR was negative and highlysigniï¬cantwithage,positiveandsigniï¬cantwithheight,andnonsigniï¬cantwithweight,BMI,andBSA.Conclusion:It was concluded that with advancing age, the PEFR declines. The mean PEFR values of taller subjects were also higher.