E-ISSN 2231-3206 | ISSN 2320-4672

2016, Vol:6,Issue:4

Research Articles
  • Natl J Physiol Pharm Pharmacol.2016; Volume:6(4):305-309 doi : 10.5455/njppp.2016.6.23022016132
  • Complementary and alternative medicine use in medical opd patients of rheumatoid arthritis in a tertiary care hospital
  • Shamiya Sadiq, Sharminder Kaur, Vijay Khajuria, Sapna Gupta, Aman Sharma


Background: Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) use is high among chronic illness like arthritis to derive additional benefits Aim and
Objective: To examine CAM use among rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients.
Materials and Methods: The study was conducted in 100 patients having rheumatoid arthritis reporting to medical OPD of tertiary-care hospital. Patients were asked to respond to a predesigned questionnaire pertaining to demographic profile and CAM usage. Result:CAMusewashighamongRA(60%)patientsmoresowithlongerdurationofdisease(81.66%).Majorityofpatients werefromruralbackground(80%)above40yearsage(87%)andwerefemales.Ofall,75%patientstooktoCAMafteranti- rheumatoid drugs and lack of relief was the main reason. Ayurveda was most common type of CAM (35%) used and relatives werethe principalsourceof information (58.33%).Most of thepatients (61.66%) of rheumatoidarthritis reported relief with CAM.Conclusion: CAM use is high among RA patients especially in females and patients with longer duration of disease. Lack of benefit from anti-rheumatoid drugs was the main reason of CAM usage. Ayurveda was the most common type of CAM used. Therefore, the outcome of the study calls for the attention of treating physician regarding CAM use as some orally used CAM therapies can be harmful due to possibility of interactions and heavy metals.