E-ISSN 2231-3206 | ISSN 2320-4672

2016, Vol:6,Issue:4

Research Articles
  • Natl J Physiol Pharm Pharmacol.2016; Volume:6(4):336-339 doi : 10.5455/njppp.2016.6.23022016138
  • Ethnomedical survey of plants used by Malayalis community to treat coronary heart diseases in Pachamalai hills
  • Rajadurai Maruthamuthu,, Kumaresan Ramanathan,


Background: Tribal people are well-informed about the causative factor of various ailments and also the medicinal herbs thatcancurethose ailments.Pachamalai Hillsisknownforits richestbiodiversityanditisoneof thegreenestmountainsin Tamil Nadu. Majority of people belonging to Malayali community live here and they have good knowledge about the curing effects of medicinal herbs. Aims and
Objective: To ascertain the medicinal use of the plants, which are used for heart diseases by the tribal people in Pachamalai Hills, Tamil Nadu, India.
Materials and Methods: Thirteen plant species were collectedonceinevery3monthsfromPachamalaiHillsduring2013–2015.Theplantswereidentifiedandconfirmedwitha senior plant taxonomist. Result: Based on the ethnomedical field survey, a total of 13 species of medicinally important plantsthatcancurecardiovasculardiseasesbelongingto 11families aredistributedin12genera.Conclusion: Theseplants species that can cure coronary heart disease may also have great potential for research in the discovery of new drugs to prevent heart diseases.