Background: Age, sex, weight, and height are the main factors that affect peak expiratoryflow rate (PEFR). Variousauthors have shown that geographical, climatic, anthropometric, nutritional, and socioeconomic conditions of India are associated with regional differences in lung function. Aims and Objective: To establish the normative data of PEFR among school children aged 10–14 years in Ghaziabad city, Uttar Pradesh, India. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was donein500school childrenaged 10–14yearsin Ghaziabadcity.PEFR wasrecordedwiththeMini-Wright PeakFlowMeter. Anthropometricvariablessuchasage,height,weight,andbodymassindexwererecorded.ResultswereanalyzedbyANOVA with SPSS, version 17.0, using unpaired t test. Result: Results showed that there was an increase in PEFR in boys and girls with an increase in age, height, and weight. Conclusion: Normative data of this study can be useful for the diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of children with respiratory problems such as asthma of this region.