E-ISSN 2231-3206 | ISSN 2320-4672

2015, Vol:5,Issue:5

Research Articles
  • Natl J Physiol Pharm Pharmacol.2015; Volume:5(5):421-425 doi : 10.5455/njppp.2015.5.1308201568
  • Effect of filgrastim (recombinant human granulocyte colony stimulating factor) on spatial memory in aged rats
  • Hamid Sepehri , Elham Mehrazin


Background: Apart from functioning as a multimodal hematopoietic growth factor, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) causes intense consequences on the brain. It has been viewed that G-CSF boosts the improvement from the neurologic deficits in rodent models of central nervous system diseases. Aims and
Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of G-CSF as an intervention for improving cognitive deficits commonly associated with aging.
Materials and Methods: In this study, male Wistar rats aged 21 months were treated for 2 weeks with G-CSF intraperitoneally at doses of 10, 50, and 70 mg/kg/day. The learning process was assessed by the reference memory task in the Morris water maze, by comparing the G-CSF–treated group with the control animals. All the rats received Morris water maze training (four trials/day for 5days)inordertoassessthehippocampal-dependentspatiallearningandreceiveda60-sprobetrialtestofspatialmemory retention 24 h after the twentieth trial. Result: Over 5 days of training, G-CSF (10, 50, and70 mg/kg/day) significantly reducedthelatencyandpathlengthtofindingtheescapeplatform(Po0.01).Inprobetrials(withoutplatform),onthelast day of training, the G-CSF–treated group spent significantly longer time in the platform quadrant when compared with the control animals (Po 0.01). Among the treated groups, the 50-mg/kg dosage of G-CSF induced the best rehearsals memory. Conclusion: Thefindings observed in this study support G-CSF asa promising therapeutic aid for cognitive enhancement in the aging phenomenon.