E-ISSN 2231-3206 | ISSN 2320-4672

2012, Vol:2,Issue:1

Research Articles
  • Natl J Physiol Pharm Pharmacol.2012; Volume:2(1):66-70 doi :
  • Prescribers Adherence to the Basic Principles of Prescription Orders Writing in South West Ethiopia
  • Sadikalmahdi H Abdella, Nasir T Wabe


Background: A prescription is an instruction from a prescriber to a dispenser. The prescriber is not always a doctor but can also be a paramedical worker, such as a medical assistant, a midwife or a nurse. Thus, the most important requirement is that the prescription be clear, legible and indicate precisely what should be taken. Therefore, in order for a patient to have the best treatment, rational drug prescription should be the habit of every prescriber. Aims: To assess prescribers adherence to the basic principles of prescription order writing in Jimma health center.
Materials and Methods: A retrospective study design was conducted. One year prescription papers were collected and essential elements of a prescription were checked. The data was filled in well-structured questionnaire and analyzed using SPSS for window version16.0.
Results: Average drugs per prescription were 2.13. Among these, prescriptions with two drugs account (54.9%) and three drugs (27.9%). Age, sex and card number was written on 81.8%, 76.3% and 39.8% of prescription respectively. Name of the patient was written on all prescription. Most drugs were written in generic name (88.5%). Conclusion: This study shows good adherence for some variables and poor adherence for other variables. In-service training should be provided to prescribers to promote rational prescription