E-ISSN 2231-3206 | ISSN 2320-4672

2019, Vol:8,Issue:12

Research Articles
  • Indi J Medic Science and P Health.2019; Volume:8(12):1017-1022 doi : 10.5455/ijmsph.2019.0924620092019
  • HIV-related high-risk behavior and awareness regarding HIV among the male workers at a construction site in Karnataka
  • Geethu Mathew, Deepthi Shanbhag, Sharan Subramanian, Carol Lobo, Alex Xavier, Prudhvi Dasari, Naveen Ramesh, Ramakrishna Goud


Background: Sexual behavior is an important determinant of sexually transmitted diseases transmission. It is essential to understand the HIV-related high-risk behavior among high-risk groups like migrants to design evidence-based intervention.Objectives: This study was undertaken to assess HIV-related high-risk behavior and awareness among male construction workers.
Materials and Methods: A total of 404 male workers were enrolled in a cross-sectional study at a construction area in Karnataka. Behavioral Surveillance Survey questionnaire was used to collect information regarding sexual behavior and their knowledge regarding HIV/AIDS.
Results: The mean age of workers was 25.6 ± 7.3 years. Among workers, 82.2% of them heard about AIDS and 66.8% (270) could tell at least two correct mode of transmission of HIV. Mean age of first sexual intercourse was 22 ± 9.4 years among married and 18.9 ± 2.8 years among unmarried. Nearly 25% and 56% had their first sexual intercourse <18 years among married and unmarried, respectively. Among married workers, 21.9% used condoms during last sexual intercourse with spouse and 10.8% used condoms with other partners. About 15.7% of them had multiple sexual partners. Among unmarried workers, 27.9% of them ever had sex and 22.2% of them used condom during last sexual intercourse. Nearly 30% of them had multiple sexual partners. Higher age, educational status, and high-income associated with better awareness.Conclusion: Knowledge regarding AIDS and sexual transmission was good. However, condom usage was found to be poor among the workers. In addition to that, multiple sexual partners which included commercial sex workers among both married and unmarried workers are an important risk factor for HIV. Adequate interventions should be done in this group to address this issue.