Background: Prelacteal feeding leads to delay in initiation of breastfeeding and prevention of the initial bonding between the mother and the baby, even lactation failure and shortening of the duration of breastfeeding. Prelacteal feeds have lesser nutrient value, and unfortunately, due to different customs and misbelieves, the habit of prelacteal feeding is common in our society. Infant and Young Child Feeding Guideline discourages prelacteal feeding practices and encourages optimal breastfeeding practices.Objectives: This study was carried out with the objective to find out the prevalence of prelacteal feeding and association of demographic, antenatal, and intranatal factors with prelacteal feeding practice in Jamnagar district of Gujarat.Materials and Methods: This study was carried out in 2015–2016 in four talukas of Jamnagar district with a sample size of 423 mother-infant pairs calculated with an appropriate formula using prevalence of prelacteal feeding. Out of this, 400 samples with adequate response were analyzed. Multistage sampling was done and mothers who gave valid consent were taken as respondent. Chi-square and Spearman correlation tests were used for statistical analysis.Results: We have found 20% prevalence of prelacteal feeding in Jamnagar district of Gujarat. Lower prevalence of prelacteal feeding practice was observed among general caste (14.4%), among socio-economic Class-I (11.5%), among mothers with education up to graduate level (8.6%), among employed mothers (10.3%), and among high birth order newborns. Increasing number of antenatal care (ANC) is correlated with decreasing prevalence of prelacteal feeding (Corelation coefficient = 0.943, P < 0.01).Conclusion: Increasing education level, betterment in socio-economic condition, increasing ANC services, increasing number of health facilities available for delivery care, trained delivery assistant, etc., have a significant role in decreasing prelacteal feeding custom.