Background: Neurocysticercosis (NCC) is a major parasitic disease affecting endemic areas worldwide. It spreads,through fecal–oral route. It causes lesion in the central nervous system which has different evolving stages and can,be asymptomatic or clinically evident. Imaging studies play an important role in the diagnosis of the disease and its,appropriate control since it is the most common treatable cause of the seizure. Objective: The objective of the study,was to evaluate the occurrence of NCC in patients presenting with seizures and to carry out its radiological evaluation.,Materials and Methods: A total of 100 patients presenting with recent onset seizures were recruited from pediatric,department of a local major tertiary care teaching hospital during the period 2016–2017. Brain imaging was performed in,all the above cases. Results: The recruited patients presented with generalized, simple partial, and focal seizures (68%,,21%, and 11%, respectively). NCC was diagnosed in 37 of 100 (37.0%) seizure cases based on imaging characteristics.,There were 13% cases in whom, magnetic resonance imaging showed calcified NCC/granuloma suggestive of NCC. In,24% cases, scolex suggestive of NCC was seen. Conclusion: The findings of the present study showed that NCC still is,a major diagnosis among children presenting with the seizure from this endemic area. Neuroimaging was a useful tool,in diagnosis and characterization of NCC. The study highlighted the need to create awareness regarding maintenance of,hygiene and cleanliness