E-ISSN 2231-3206 | ISSN 2320-4672

2018, Vol:7,Issue:8

Research Articles
  • Indi J Medic Science and P Health.2018; Volume:7(8):620-625 doi : 10.5455/ijmsph.2018.0308426042018
  • Assessment of the effect of animal bite management training, among frontline healthcare workers in a rural field practice area of Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute
  • Sofiya Crastha, Selvi Thangaraj


Background: Rabies is the zoonotic disease affecting the warm-blooded animals, which gets transmitted to man through,the bite of the infected rabid animals. In India, around 18000–20000 Deaths from rabies occur every year. Rabies is a,highly fatal disease, but it is 100% preventable through prompt and appropriate medical care which is mostly sought from,the healthcare workers in the rural and remote areas. Hence, their knowledge and practice plays an crucial role in the,prevention of occurrence of rabies among the human population. Objectives: The objectives of the study were to assess,the effect of animal bite management training on knowledge, attitude, and practices (KAP) among frontline healthcare,workers in a rural field practice area.
Materials and Methods: An interventional study was done using information,,education, and communication method among 131 frontline healthcare workers using self-administered questionnaire.,The KAP was assessed before and after the intervention.
Results: Before the intervention, only 5 participants knew about,the sources of infection and 87 knew it following the intervention. Misconceptions regarding the first aid treatment to be,given following the animal bite management were reduced, and the proper practices of wound washing were improved,following the intervention. Conclusion: The intervention given by health education improved the knowledge, reduced the,misconceptions and changed the practices to provide the better and appropriate care following the animal bite.