Background: Increased prevalence of diabetes in India is due to modern lifestyle changes combined with urbanization.,Knowledge about the diabetic diet and the importance of physical exercise in relation to reduce the complications of,diabetes is very important and which, in turn, decrease the mortality and morbidity rate. Objectives: The objectives of,this study were to assess the degree of awareness of diet, physical exercise, and lifestyle modifications among Type 2,diabetic patients among the rural population at tertiary care teaching hospital, Trichy. Materials and Methods: This crosssectional,study was conducted using questionnaire among 100 Type 2 diabetic patients attending the medicine outpatient,department at tertiary care teaching hospital. Baseline characteristics of the study participants were elucidated and their,awareness and practice regarding the lifestyle modifications were assessed. Results: The mean age of the study population,was found to be 50 ± 9.64. 74% were well aware of foods to be avoided. 54% were familiar with the proportion of food in,food plate. The awareness of lifestyle modifications was good among 29% and practice was followed by 15% of diabetics’,patients. Conclusion: Despite the clear attitudes of Type 2 diabetes participants toward dietary pattern and healthy lifestyle,modifications, the awareness and the practice were poor among the study group.