Background: Sufficiency in safe blood supply at the time of need can be maintained only through regular, voluntary, and,unpaid donation which being the safest group terms of lower rate of blood-borne infections. College students can form one,such potential source. Having enough knowledge about their attitudes and practices helps us in motivating them to become,regular voluntary donors. Objectives: (1) To assess and compare the knowledge on blood donation among the engineering,and medical students and (2) to know the perception on blood donation among the students. Materials and Methods: A crosssectional,study was conducted among the two groups using a pretested structured questionnaire after obtaining informed,consent. Students were randomly administered the questionnaires in engineering and medical colleges. Results were,entered and analyzed using Microsoft Excel and openEpi. Results: Mean age of the study population was 20.21 ± 0.793,(years) and 19.9 ± 0.68 (years) among engineering and medical students, respectively. 28 (14%) and 130 (65%) students,had adequate knowledge on various aspects of voluntary blood donation in engineering and medical college, respectively,,this difference was found to be statistically significant (χ2 =1.08 × 102, P = 0.00). About 75% of the students in both the,groups intended to donate blood in the future if need arises. 40 (20%) and 66 (33%) students in engineering and medical,colleges had donated blood till now. Conclusion: Medical students are more aware about blood donations than engineering,students. Educating college students on various aspects of voluntary blood donation are the needed to meet the demand for,safe blood in the country.