Background: Menopause is the stage in every woman’s lifetime after which their body undergoes changes, to which the,females have to adopt. There are several risk factors for menopause-related diseases, most of which are modifiable by,change in lifestyle during the perimenopausal period itself. Objective: The objective of this study is to create awareness,about postmenopausal risks among women of perimenopausal age group. Materials and Methods: The educational,interventional study was conducted among 75 women of age 35–50 years residing in an urban slum area of Coimbatore.,After informed consent, pre-intervention survey was done to find their awareness levels on postmenopausal problems.,Health education program was conducted, and after a month, the improvement in their knowledge levels was assessed,using post-test questionnaire. Results: After our health education, the knowledge of the women on menopausal symptoms,,health problems during menopause, appropriate dietary intake, and the other modes of preventing the problems were,evaluated, and there was a significant gain in knowledge among the perimenopausal women. Conclusion: Most of the,participants felt that the awareness program was very useful. There was also significant gain in knowledge among the,perimenopausal women after the health education program (P < 0.0001).