Background: Globally, the proportion of elderly population is in rise, and as age advances, there is an increased morbidity,and disability. Depression is the most usual mental disorder in the elderly, but usually under diagnosed and undertreated.,The phenomenon of old age coupled with depression is a serious public health problem which needs to be addressed.,Objectives: The objectives of this study were to determine the prevalence and determinants of elderly population in a rural,area of Tamil Nadu. Materials and Methods: A community-based cross-sectional study was carried among 351 elderly,participants during November–December 2014 residing in a rural area of Kanchipuram district, Tamil Nadu. Data were,collected using a predesigned and pretested questionnaire including the 15-item Geriatric Depression Scale by the trained,interns. Multivariate analysis was done to identify the independent predictors of depression among the elderly. Results: Of,the 351 participants, 70 (19.9%) 95% confidence interval (17.7–22.03) of the people had depression. Unemployment,,nuclear family, socioeconomic status, relationship with family members, financial support, and living with a spouse were,identified as independent predictors for depression. Conclusion: The prevalence of depression was 19.9%, and it was,high among the people above the age group of 70 years, respondent belongs to the upper class, and unemployed and,unsatisfactory relationship with children was associated with depression.