Back ground: Although the electronic medical record (EMR) offer several beneï¬ts, its application is still meager. This article describes the state of EMRs, their advantage over existing paper records, and the problems impeding their imple- mentation. Objective: To assess the readiness of the physicians in Al-Hada Military Hospital in Taif city toward implementing EMR. Material and Methods: Questionnaire consisting of personal demographic variables, practical demographic variables, beliefs and attitudes variables, and security and conï¬dentiality variables were distributed on 131 practicing physician, accepting to participate, present at the time of the study (not on vacation or leave), and working in Al-Hada Military Hospital in Taif city (excluding visiting or locum physician). Result: Of 129 physicians, 107 were male subjects, which represented 83%, while female subjects represented only 17%. Most of the participants were from family and community medicine (25%), followed by surgery (20%), pediatrics (14%), medicine (12%), and then OBG (8%). Other departments represent almost 21% cumulatively. Most of the physicians showed an encouraging awareness and beliefs about the potential beneï¬ts of implementing EMRs. About two- third of physicians believe in easiness of using EMRs, and only 4% expressed their need for intensive training. Conclusion: Generally, the attitudes of Al-Hada Military Hospital physicians toward computerization of medical record were excellent. These positive attitudes fall in favor of adopting EMRs.