E-ISSN 2231-3206 | ISSN 2320-4672

2016, Vol:5,Issue:5

Research Articles
  • Indi J Medic Science and P Health.2016; Volume:5(5):860-865 doi : 10.5455/ijmsph.2016.05092015143
  • Metabolic syndrome and its components among population of Holalu village, Karnataka.
  • Pushpa Sarkar, Mahadeva SK, Raghunath H, Suhasa Upadhya, Hamsa M


Back ground: Increased prevalence of metabolic syndrome is seen in the rural population as well owing to urbanization and life style changes in them.
Objective: To determine the metabolic syndrome and its components in the study population.
Materials and Methods: Retrospective analysis of the data collected during Community Outreach Program conducted at Holalu village was done. Data consisting of anthropometric measurements, blood pressure, and laboratory parameters such as fasting blood sugar and lipid profile of 460 subjects were obtained. Metabolic syndrome was diagnosed based on 2 ATP III criteria. Data were analyzed by c -test using SPSS software, version 15. Result: Study population consisted of 229 female and 219 male subjects with mean age of 54.14 ± 12.19 and 54.61 ± 13.23 years, respectively. Among 116 (25.89%) subjects diagnosed as metabolic syndrome, 82 were female and 34 male subjects. It was observed that various components of metabolic syndrome such as fasting blood sugar increased signif- icantly with the increase in age in both male and female subjects, whereas high blood pressure and abdominal obesity showed significant increase only in female subjects. Conclusion: Metabolic syndrome is more prevalent in females than in male subjects of Holalu village. Study also showed increases in number of components and in individual components of metabolic syndrome with increase in age. Early detection of the individual components of metabolic syndrome would help in early treatment and prevention of progression to metabolic syndrome.