E-ISSN 2231-3206 | ISSN 2320-4672

2016, Vol:5,Issue:5

Research Articles
  • Indi J Medic Science and P Health.2016; Volume:5(5):882-885 doi : 10.5455/ijmsph.2016.29112015300
  • An economic analysis comparing average cost of screening patients using remedy social platform vs. popular preventive health check-up programs
  • Tanmay Gupta, Purav Gandhi


Background: Preventive health care is a revolutionary step in the field of health care, which can help people diagnose disease at an early stage. And given the health setup in our country, one has to go through a series of tests some of which are not required at all. This ultimately leads to unnecessary expenditure and loss of time.
Objective: To evaluate disease risk prevailing in population and recommend a personalized diagnostic plan instead of a generic plan.
Materials and Methods: We conducted an analysis using data collected from 140 patients through an online health assessment questionnaire. All of the participants in study were screened for a risk of them having a particular disease and were assigned a personalized diagnostic plan based on their risk-profile using an algorithm. Result: The average diagnostic cost came substantially lower than the tests recommended by usual health preventive checkup plans. This could result in highly judicious utilization of health-care resources, money, and participant time without creating any significant compromise in screening sensitivity. Conclusion: Personalized diagnostic plans using effective screening methods could lead to saving of significant amount, up to 80% in some cases, of money and time for an individual.