Background: Lymphadenopathy isone ofthe mostcommon clinicalpresentation amongpatients. Indeveloping countries such as India, tuberculous (TB) lymphadenitis is one of the common causes of lymphadenopathy. Cytomorphology with acid-fast staining is a valuable diagnostic tool in cases of tuberculosis. Objective: TodescribepatternofTBlymphadenitispresentation,andtocompareresultsof ï¬neneedleaspirationcytology (FNAC) and Ziehl–Neelsen (ZN) stain in the diagnosis of TB lymphadenitis. MaterialsandMethods:Total351patientsoflymphadenopathyreferredtotheDepartmentofPathology,GMERSMedical College & Hospital, Vadodara, Gujarat, India, between March 2011 and December 2013included. FNAC was performed in all these patients and smears were prepared. Smears were stained with hematoxylin and eosin stain. ZN staining for acid- fast bacilli (AFB) was carried out on separate slide. Results:Maximum numberofpatients (162;46.15%)were fromagegroupof11–30years.Total351cases[179(50.99%) females and 172 (49.00%) males] were included in the study. Of 351 cases, 173 (49.28%) had tuberculosis, 141 (40.17%) hadlymphadenitisotherthantuberculosis,and37(10.54%)hadmalignantlymphadenopathy,including2(0.56%)casesof primary malignancy (i.e., lymphoma) and 35 (09.97%) of metastasis to lymph nodes. Overall, 119 (33.90%) cases were found to be positive for AFB on ZN staining. Conclusion: FNAC is an optimally selected, efï¬cient, easy to perform, and economical test for initial diagnostic workup in patients with TB lymphadenitis. Supplementation of ZN stain with FNAC increases the rates of diagnosis.