Background: Highly viscous water-soluble ï¬bers present in plant materials have been shown to reduce serum levels of blood cholesterolandlipid levels inanimals and humanbeings.Thewater-insoluble neutraldetergent ï¬bershad shownno signiï¬cant hypocholesterolemic and hypolipidemic effects. Objective: Effect of water-soluble gummy ï¬ber, water-insoluble neutral detergent ï¬ber isolated from Syzygium cumini seeds on biliary and fecal bile acids and sterols in rats fed a high cholesterol diet Materials andMethods: Effects of cholesterol-supplemented and cholesterol-unsupplemented diets containing 6%, 12%, and 18% water-soluble gummy ï¬bers and 2.25%, 5%, and 10% water-insoluble detergent ï¬bers were studied in both normal and diabetic rats for 21 days Results: Signiï¬cant increase in biliary content and fecal excretion of bile acids was observed in rats fed for 21 days on cholesterol-supplemented and cholesterol-unsupplemented diets containing 6%, 12%, and 18% water-soluble gummy ï¬bers, but 2.25%, 5%, and 10% water-insoluble neutral detergent ï¬bers isolated from Syzygium cumini seeds had no signiï¬cant effect on the above parameters. Conclusion:Theincreasedbiliarycontentandfecalexcretionofbileacidsandsterolsinourstudysuggestthatthedietary water-soluble gunny ï¬ber of S. cumini seeds may enhance the breakdown of cholesterol, leading to an increased conversion of cholesterol to bile acids and salts that are excreted in alimentary canal.