E-ISSN 2231-3206 | ISSN 2320-4672

2015, Vol:4,Issue:1

Research Articles
  • Indi J Medic Science and P Health.2015; Volume:4(1):53-55 doi : 10.5455/ijmsph.2015.030120148
  • Oral Cavity Non- Hodgkin’s Lymphoma – clinicopathological aspects
  • Shweta N Kalyankar


Background: Although oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma is a major health problem in India, oral cavity non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma(NHL)isveryrare.Thediagnosisoforallymphomasmaybechallengingbecausefrequentlythereisalowindex of clinical suspicion, leading to misdiagnosis and/or delayed treatment. Aims andObjectives: To analyze clinicopathological aspects of patients with NHL of the oral cavity diagnosed at our institute. Materials andMethods: This was a retrospective observational study. We included consecutive patients who were diagnosed with oral cavity NHL at our institute over the past 10 years.
Results:Ninepatients(sixmenandthreewomen)werediagnosedwithprimaryNHLoftheoralcavityatourinstituteinthe past 10 years. Oral tongue was the most common site followed by alveolus. All patients had presented with gradually increasingulcerativemassintheoralcavity.NoneofthepatientshadBsymptoms.Plasmablasticlymphomawasthemost common type of NHL followed by diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. Conclusion: Involvement of the oral cavity by lymphoma is rare. Plasmablastic lymphoma was the most common oral cavity NHL in our patients.