ABSTRACT Background: Consumption of unpasteurized milk is fairly common in Indian society which may lead to various health problems like Brucellosis, anthrax etc. Aims & Objective: To educate and motivate people for use of packed and pasteurized milk. Materials and Methods: This was cross sectional study done in urban slums of Indore. The study done in 120 families, 30 families were selected randomly from each slum who used milk from street vendors. Milk samples were collected from these families for quality testing. Educational intervention regarding advantages of pasteurized milk was given and repeat survey after one month was done to observe behaviour change. Statistical analysis done by chi square test, Mac Nemar test with p value <0.05 was considered significant. Results: Unawareness about benefits of pasteurized milk (84%) and flexibility of making payment to the street vendors were the major causes for purchase of milk from street vendors. Gerber test and corrected lactometer test revealed 50% and 73% samples were moderate to grossly dilute. Standard plate count for bacteriological analysis revealed all samples (100%) to be good (E. coli count < 10,00,000/ml) but none of them was very good (< 2,00,000/ml) . boiled milk samples had better quality , chi square p < 0.0001. Educational intervention resulted in behaviour change of 27(22.5%) families which was significant, Mac Nemar p <0.0001. Conclusion: Educational intervention had significant effect on behaviour change of people and the families who continued to take milk from street vendors even after educational intervention had no specific reason for it.