E-ISSN 2231-3206 | ISSN 2320-4672

2014, Vol:3,Issue:4

Case Report
  • Indi J Medic Science and P Health.2014; Volume:3(4):522-524 doi : 10.5455/ijmsph.2014.160220142
  • Hepatoportal sclerosis with Ischemic Bowel Disease: A rare case diagnosed by clinical autopsy
  • Bommanahalli BP, Vidyavathi K, Harendrakumar ML


ABSTRACT A 35 year old female presented with pain abdomen, massive hematemesis and signs of portal hypertension. Death occurred despite of all efforts to manage shock & hematemesis by endoscopic sclerotherapy. Clinical autopsy revealed gangrene of small intestine with mesenteric vein thrombosis; oesophageal varices; hepatoportal sclerosis (HPS) of liver with regenerative nodules and chronic venous congestion of spleen. Histopathology of liver is essential for diagnosis of HPS & to rule out other disease process. Gangrene intestine in HPS is a rare presentation.